About UsAt the heart of ScripZone is the principle that we can ALL make a difference in our worlds, everyday! We can leave a legacy and help to change our world. It is this precept that UnitedScrip forged into its foundation over a decade ago and has remained the core of 'why we do, what we do!' Thru the years we have been privileged to have partnered with thousands of individuals who are also determined to impact their worlds, the lives of their children, schools, support programs, build playgrounds, or march in a parade! From these dedicated individuals we have been inspired, learned, shared, and best of all, established new friends across 50 states. Providing your organization with the support needed to effectively plan, organize, expedite, grow and succeed in your Scrip Program has always been the focus of UnitedScrip's team of veteran Scrip Support Members. We are ready to assist you as you begin and will take the time to walk you through each step, if needed. We understand the obstacles, (having been there personally) the restraints of time and volunteers, lack of funds, and the pressure under which nonprofits operate. It is the reason we have made it a priority to provide you with the tools you will need to simplify the process, such as our free software package, www.ourscrip.com library of flyers and templates, order forms, introductory newsletter and brochures to help in the educational process for your members and supporters. Our goal with ScripZone is to bring you a new avenue and opportunity to reach your fundraising goals. We look forward to this new adventure and once again Thank You for allowing us to serve your organization as it focuses on making a difference for tomorrow, today and everyday, by... Making Every Purchase Profitable! |
For Questions or SuggestionsFor general information: info@scripzone.com For support: support@scripzone.com Phone: 864.886.9701 |